Archive for September, 2014


Posted: September 19, 2014 in Scraps
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Sometimes I like to write in analogous or metaphorical ways based on how I feel–I think we all do.  This is something I put together on my lunch break based on how I feel toward a specific situation.


In those final moments, when all hope is lost and after the fragments and debris have torn apart the fuselage, you must make a choice. There is only room for two in the only emergency pod left and three of you remain. Your ship is going down, in flames and pieces, falling in a ball of fire with tails that stretch for miles.

You must make a choice, before they have a chance to protest. The lock is sealed and there you are, holding on to the rails outside. This is the last image you will see, of life and hope and meaning. But you must let go, so they can fall back to the waters waiting to embrace them.

Don’t think, just do. Let go, and push off. Close your eyes if you must, but you must do this last thing. You will be in solitude for a time and as you drift, waiting for the remaining oxygen supply to deplete, you have everything before you. The Earth and the Sun and Moon, and stars that will not even blink at this and yet, you drift, helpless and waiting…and after you are cold and gone…you will be out there, alone forever.